What is Acne?

Acne is a disease of the follicular unit caused by many factors, including hormones and inflammation. It affects many people differently and can be as unique as your own skin composition. It is characterized by inflammation, red bumps, white-heads, black-heads, cysts, nodules, discoloration, and even scars. Acne often affects the face and upper trunk. Acne can affect newborns and infants but usually begins at puberty. Over 75% of teenagers have acne. As hormone production rises, lesions often become worse. Males tend to have worse acne at this stage. Some women experience acne for the first time in their 30’s even though they never had teenage acne. Other women may have flares prior to menses. Acne may be caused from medications as well.  Acne can be a source of embarrassment and even depression. There is wide variability in age at onset, contributing factors, and resolution.


Does Diet affect acne?

The relationship between diet and acne is controversial. Around the 1900s, diet was thought to be directly related to this condition and was commonly altered during management strategies. This fell out of favor in the 1960’s through the turn of the century. More recently however, dermatologists and dietitians have revisited the idea of nutrition in pathogenesis and management of acne. Evidence suggests a relationship between diet and acne does exist. Compared with other dietary factors, there is more convincing evidence that diets with a high glycemic load and refined sugar ingesti