PRP is an acronym for Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP is a relatively new, individualized way that organically treats many medical conditions using your very own innate growth factors and revitalizing proteins. It has been used for joint pain, arthritis, tissue regeneration and accelerated wound healing. In dermatology, we use PRP for hair growth or for skin rejuvenation with micro-needling.

PRP is revolutionary for hair loss and thinning. Millions of people around the world struggle with hair loss, thin hair, or a receding hairline. This natural, non-surgical hair loss solution uses your own innate growth factors to stimulate hair stem cells and promote natural hair growth. Many other treatments block hormones and can have systemic side effects that could affect blood pressure or sexual health. PRP hair treatments are safe, cleared by the FDA, and effective for producing visible improvements in hair count, hair thickness, and hair density. Best of all, this treatment is minimally invasive and delivers natural-looking results without surgery or systemic medications!


Perfect for men and women

Stimulates hair growth

No need for daily pills or lotions

Non-surgical treatment, no scars

Strengthens hair follicles

No systemic side effects

Natural looking results

Targets hair loss and receding hairlines


PRP Hair Treatment before and after pictures show the ability PRP has for stimulating natural hair restoration. Of course, as with any medical treatment, results will vary.* Individuals achieve noticeable improvements in hair loss and hair thinning after their PRP hair treatments.


During a hair treatment, a sample of blood is taken and processed in a centrifuge to harvest the platelet-rich plasma. Once the PRP is prepped, your very own PRP is injected into the scalp with a focus on the areas suffering from hair loss or hair thinning.

Several studies show that growth factors found in PRP target the two leading causes of hair loss. First, growth factors from PRP hair treatments influence the hair growth cycle, inducing and prolonging the anagen phase (the growth stage).2 Secondly, PRP corrects follicular miniaturization by strengthening and restoring the hair follicle. Therefore, the growth factors “wake up” dormant hair follicles to initiate growth and strengthens smaller follicles that are already present. Both of these steps combat hair loss against the progression of androgenic alopecia to increase hair diameter as well as hair counts for natural hair restoration.3 As with any medical treatment, results are individualized. However, most patients who undergo PRP hair treatments enjoy a substantial increase in hair thickness, hair count, and hair density. 4


Hair loss, balding, and receding hairlines are cosmetic concerns associated with men. However, many women suffer from thinning hair and female pattern hair loss. PRP hair treatments provide an excellent solution for women who want thicker, fuller heads of hair without underdoing invasive surgeries. PRP has been shown to grow hair in women even when they deemed in studies to be ‘non-responders’.1

PRP hair restoration AND other treatments

PRP Therapy is a great treatment for androgenic alopecia. However, many hair restoration professionals use PRP in conjunction with other hair loss treatments. PRP is probably the best single treatment for non-surgical hair loss. One study demonstrated that PRP was superior to 1mg of Finasteride daily, 5% Minoxidil twice daily, and 2% Minoxidil twice daily.1 PRP can also be used as a supplemental therapy for hair transplant patients, micropigmentation, or in conjunction with medications such as Rogaine or Propecia. PRP can augment the results of other treatments since they do NOT share the same mechanism of action. Therefore, various treatments can stimulate hair growth and prevent follicle degeneration from multiple mechanisms. For example, clinical data shows that growth factors in PRP promotes tissue repair and regeneration following a transplant, improve and preserve the viability of hair follicles during and after the hair transplant, and revitalizes dormant hair follicles to start new hair growth.


PRP hair treatment prices vary per person. The exact cost of PRP hair treatments depends on unique factors for each patient. PRP can be used in conjunction with other procedures, like micro-needling, which further augments hair growth. During a consultation, we can discuss PRP hair treatment cost in detail. If you are a good candidate for PRP hair restoration, we customize a treatment plan to fit your needs and match your budget. Most studies recommend at least 3 sessions with four weeks between each session. We recommend one PRP session every 6 months to one year as maintenance thereafter.


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  1. Sharma, et al.: Recommendations for platelet‑rich plasma in androgenetic alopecia.
  2. Platelet-Rich Plasma in Androgenic Alopecia. Journal of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery. 2014.
  3. Injections of platelet-rich plasma for androgenic alopecia: A systematic review. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2017.
  4. Efficacy of platelet-rich plasma in treatment of androgenic alopecia. Asian journal of transfusion science. 2015.